Friday, August 22, 2014

Jumpchain: Cosmic Warehouse & Body Mod (interlude)

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Link to Cosmic Warehouse
Link to Body Mod

Now that I've finished my first world, Jump-chan is giving me a pocket dimension to store my stuff in, and a body mod package. Check the link for details on how these work, but in summary the warehouse is big, and I can access it from anywhere that there's a door.

Utilities: Electricity [-10],
Structures: Robots [-20], Medbay [-20], Workshop [-10]
Miscellaneous: Food supply x3 [-30], Portal [-30], Link [-30]

Shelving comes free.

I'd like electricity so that things can, you know, run. The robots take care of putting things away and getting them back for me. Between the medbay and the workshop I have the resources, if not the know-how, to fix anything, biological or mechanical. Until I can do this stuff myself I'll just invite the appropriate personnel to make use of it.

My total food supply (which restocks every day) is enough to feed fifteen people. I don't need all that right now but you never know when it's going to be handy.

Portal lets me forgo the need for a door, and Link lets me open two portals anywhere I please, which means I can step into my warehouse from one place and step out in another. This will be handy for both fast getaways and accessing places that people don't want me to access.

Body type: Medium Athlete [-100]
States: Strength +1 ranks (benchpress 180lb) [-50], Endurance +3 ranks (daily marathons) [-150], Speed +2 ranks (15mph), Dexterity +2 ranks (basic parkour), Sense +1 ranks (20/20 vision) [-50]
Perks: Flexibility, evercleansed [-100], metavore [-100], genderswap [-150]

I prefer the speed and dexterity bonuses of the Athlete build, and a medium build over a light or heavy one. A slight increase to Strength rounded me out, but my focus was on other things. Endurance will keep me going strong in all kinds of fights, my ranks in Speed were a freebie but not unappreciated, Sense lets me get rid of the glasses, and Dexterity helps my freerunning.

Flexibility was a freebie from the Athlete build too. Evercleansed will be nice because I won't always have the opportunity to take a shower, knowing some of the worlds I may end up in, and this keeps me free of filth, grime, and smell no matter what. Metavore will let me forget about watching what I eat to maintain my weight (so long as I achieve minimum nutrition levels), which I admit is something that I often go for in CYOAs.

I chose Genderswap because hey, why not? I'm not exactly attached to either sex, so there's no reason to not take the opportunity to see things from both points of view. I can change my sex twice every Jumpchain, so I figure most of the time I'll flip a coin at the end of every year and make a switch (or not) based on the results. I'll only forgo it if I'm in a situation where that would be really, really bad to have happen.

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