Sunday, October 5, 2014

So I don't feel so bad in the end

A few days ago I decided that I was going to put on hold the second draft and polishing of my novel, The Girl Who Was Half-Imaginary. Taking little bits of time here and there just wasn't cutting it. I need to wait until the school year ends so that I can spend a sizable chunk of time every day for as long as it takes (I figure two or three weeks). In the meantime I'll work on short stories and on novel outlines, which are both better-suited to here-a-little-there-a-little.

Somewhat randomly, I found myself back on MS Paint Adventures, and lo and behold, what did I discover. This itty bitty really long note from Andrew Hussie, updating everyone on the Gigapause. For those not in the know, Hussie decided to stop updating so that he could just deal with finishing up the comic and getting it done and crap and soon as possible without bothering about updating in the meantime or anything like that.

As he notes in the note, there is not much to show for this a year later. Certainly some other stuff, but it doesn't seem to have been as productive of a year as he would have hoped.

So I figure that if Andrew Hussie can take a year off to buckle down and finish up a major project, and out of those twelve months work on it for only three, and get caught up in other unanticipated tasks the rest of the time, then I shouldn't be too down on myself when it happens to me.