Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"So let it be written..."

There is very little post-publication editing that goes on in this blog. Hyperlinks will be added, as will other references if relevant, and minor fixes and grammar or spelling (although I would hope to be able to catch these mistakes before publishing). If I turn out to be wrong, if I later decide that what I said was abysmally stupid- I need to keep the post as it is. I can admit that I no longer support that post, or wish that something about it had been done differently, but I don't feel comfortable with outright deleting or changing posts.

For many, this blog gives more information about what's happening to me and who I am than anything else, and to the extent that this is true, to remove content denies the existence of that particular episode. This is what I thought at this time, in this place, and so you see what I was then. Whether I was stupid, lazy, or misinformed, it nevertheless happened, and it would be a lie to pretend otherwise. It smacks of rewriting history and makes me feel like I'm living in my own personal corner of 1984, and that's not an idea that I'm comfortable with.

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