Thursday, September 5, 2013


If you look at older posts you will see that the number of hyperlinks in them is increasing as time goes on. Eventually there will be some posts that will have very little that is not hypertext. The first reason for doing so, as pertains to hyperlinks that lead to other posts of mine, is to make this blog like Wikipedia insofar as you go from one post to another and keep finding new posts to click on and read.

The other reason for doing this is to illustrate intertextuality, or "the interrelationship between texts [and] the way that similar or related texts influence, reflect, or differ from each other." As the stories that I have told thus far are meant to point forth certain ideas, so to is this blog also meant to illustrate the idea that all books are really one book, and everything (not just in literature, by the way) is connected. These blog posts do not exist independently of each other, nor did they spring from my head without deeper origin like Athena, but they are all part of a single blog, and are drawn from everything else that has so far come out of the world.

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