Friday, September 20, 2013

Identity Agreement

Follow-up to: Four Snapshots of Eternity

The thread that runs through Four Snapshots is centered on identity. Names tell us who we are, and the knowledge of our identity empowers us. The matter of who we are is truth, and the truth shall make us free.

The chief identity of which we ought to be aware is our identity as children of Heavenly Parents. When we place ourselves in the proper context of the universe, wherever it may be, we find ourselves to be centered on what we need to be, for we find ourselves to be centered on what we are. We chose this world, these trials, this life, these glories, and we did it with eyes wide open. Moreover, each of us was foreordained before this world began, foreordained to particular paths and particular tasks.

You are not here as the product of random chance, but because you chose. More, you are here, in this place and this time, because there is something to be done by you. The blessings that you receive in life are to be matched only by the blessings that you have opportunity to shower into the lives of others; the trials that you receive, only by the trials that you can relieve for your brothers and sisters. Not one of us is here without cause, nor overlooked, not when even the lowest sparrow is known to our Father in Heaven, and we can take strength in knowing that our Heavenly Parents will be there to lift us up in order that we might accomplish what we came here to do.

Indeed, we cannot do it without Them.

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