Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jesus Christ, the Serpent

The snake was originally a symbol for Jesus Christ. The reason can be easily seen if we look at other cultures: the shedding of the snake's skin is a type of rebirth that associates the snake with healing, regeneration, resurrection, and eternal life.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Universal Sacred

It seems to me as I consider it more that it may be very likely that everything is a vessel for the Sacred. One questions how the label matters if it applies to everything, but there are a few other similarly universal labels, like "universe" and "existent," that apply to all existent things. Too, the label is important because it demonstrates our ability to understand a universal aspect.

Friday, July 18, 2014


"Memes treat compatible intelligences as the same species. If we eventually discover or are discovered by alien intelligences, there is no doubt in my mind that memes will cross between us and them, for good or ill." Greg Porter, writing as Mas Noonuy.

Our history is a process of becoming, in the inclusion and spirit of companionship that relieves us of loneliness, alone once again.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Trans/Post Terminology: Some Errata

Here's the most pointless post you may encounter for awhile!

"Transhuman" and "Posthuman" are species-chauvinistic terms that ignore the fact that non-homo sapiens species could and almost certainly have reached the same state, and absolutely will in the future. And as you may have guessed from a brief aside in my Pronoun Sets and Present Tense article, I strive to avoid even things as presently irrelevant as species chauvinism (as I say elsewhere, it's silly to avoid changing now when you know that you'll have to change in the future and it's just that your arm isn't being twisted yet).

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pronoun Sets & Present Tense

This post is divided into two sections. Reading the first isn't necessary to understand the second.

Pronoun Sets

I'm sure that all of you are going to accuse me of thinking far too much about stuff that matters far too little, but something that I've wondered about for awhile is which pronoun sets to use by default (if somebody specifies, of course, then anything goes).