Monday, February 17, 2014

Productivity Report: I'm slipping behind on this, I am

Well, I can't say that last night was stress free, but I got some important work done. I don't want to get into details, but suffice it to say that I made progress on, ah, fixing some "toxic" (as Magpie describes it, and I agree) mental programming. It's been an issue that I've recognized for a long while and tried to deal with in a multitude of ways, and I'm glad that I was able to step forward and feelvomit about it to someone. I'm even happier that I was overestimating just how bad it would make me look in that person's eyes.

There are a lot of issues that I've got to fix, some of which I don't even know about right now, but just talking about it has taken some weight off and made the job of debugging the code easier for me.

Productivity Report

Two more weeks until my off/preparation month, and boy howdy do I have a lot to get done that month.

The good new is while this month hasn't been as productive as I'd like, and isn't going to be, it's still looking to be reasonably productive. Writing this late Sunday night, I have eight stories complete at this point in time (all lists at the end, for those interested) and another that needs a couple of more paragraphs before it's done. With those nine out of the way I'm aiming to get at least another nine stories in particular done in the following two weeks, for twelve stories finished this month (not too short of my goal of fifteen per month, especially given that this month has also had to devote time to things like generating a backlog of posts, which the next on/writing month shouldn't have to deal with) and eighteen stories in total. If each of the following three on/writing months hit the 15/stories goal then that'll give me 63 stories to bounce around the market for Gosh Knows How Long.

For-market stories currently completed:
  1. Finding Ginny
  2. Lost Girl
  3. The Man with the Bloody Coat
  4. Perfect Engine
  5. Pickman's Estate
  6. The Philosopher's Ship
  7. Sedatophobia
  8. Thomas Edison's Last Gambit
For-market stories I'm planning on having done by the end of the month: 
  1. The Act of Harley Warren
  2. The Albatross Came
  3. The Buddha in the Road
  4. From Kadath Came
  5. An Honor and an Horror
  6. The Angel in the Basement
  7. Percival
  8. Scapegoat
  9. To Dream a Dream

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