Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tending to your "Tree of Life"

See also: Wisdom from the Tree of Life

As an image we can understand the Tree of Life in many ways- let us for now understand it as being symbolic of eternal life as John's Gospel defined it: to have a personal knowledge of God and Jesus Christ.

Alma teaches us that this tree of life springs up from a seed called Faith. It requires careful attention to grow properly but gives a bountiful harvest upon reaching maturity. We can then partake of its fruit, which holds more seeds.

In the allegory of the olive tree one of the concerns had by the Lord of the vineyard and His servants is that the branches will grow too numerous in comparison to the roots. What are the roots? The Atonement of Jesus Christ. Without this single thing there would be no value contained within any of the other doctrines or principles of the Gospel. The Resurrection, eternal marriage, work for the dead, and countless other things would not even be possible, much less worthy of our attention, without the Atonement.

The tree is a lovely thing, praiseworthy and of good report. All of it has value. But if the branches outweigh the roots, or our understanding of the most important principle is outweighed by "appendage doctrines," then one day it may be said of your tree, "the wild branches have overcome the roots thereof" and "it beginneth to perish." Sufficient attention must be paid to the roots in order for the tree to be properly nourished, or else it will wither and die.

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