What I've been watching and reading in this time:
- Post, "Virtue Ethics for Consequentialists", by Will_Newsome
- Paper, "A Partial History of Afterlife Beliefs," by Daniel M. Ogilvie and Amojha Bajaj
- Newsgroup thread, [regarding techno-shamanism], hosted on alt.techno-shamanism
- Article, "11 things we learned from Benjamin Barber's talk on the future of the city," by John Elledge
Also check out:
- DoubleBlinded, "a new service for self-discovery and crowdsourced clinical trials."
Homework for the future:
- Read the posts linked to by "Responses to the Anti-Reactionary FAQ.". Eventually.
- Still on the to-do list: studying the Austrian School of Economics.
- Also on the to-do list: All of those themes that I decide I want to play with, and cool bits that attract me, and things like that? Let's get systematic about that, put them into a single document (might be public, might not) and work with at least one of them every week. Systematic. Systematic. I do it best when I do it systematically.
- Also, don't forget to flesh this section out a bit more with goals in general, and maybe include a section on which of those goals were accomplished since the last update.