What I've been watching and reading this week:
- Article, "Have We Been Interpreting Quantum Mechanics Wrong This Whole Time?" by Natalie Wolchover
- Article, "New Quantum Theory Could Explain the Flow of Time" by Natalie Wolchover
- Article, "Dream Machine: The mind-expanding world of quantum computing" by Rivka Galchen
- Article, "Five Practical Uses for 'Spooky' Quantum Mechanics" by Nicola Jenner
- Post, "Parafanfiction and Oppositional Fandom" by Sam Keeper
- Post, "Creating as the World Falls Down" by Sam Keeper
- Go through at least five entries in in my "P Articles" bookmark folder. Let's go with: (1)
- "Technical debt and the making of payments on it"; (2) "Marxist Feminism / Materialist Feminism"; (3) "Ninth-Century Muslim Anarchists"; (4) "Friedrich Nietzsche on Why a Fulfilling Life Requires Embracing Rather than Running from Difficulty"; (5) Nietzsche, the Overhuman and the Posthuman: A Reply to Stefan Sorgner"
- Read the posts linked to by "Responses to the Anti-Reactionary FAQ.". Eventually.
- Still on the to-do list: studying the Austrian School of Economics.
- Also on the to-do list: All of those themes that I decide I want to play with, and cool bits that attract me, and things like that? Let's get systematic about that, put them into a single document (might be public, might not) and work with at least one of them every week. Systematic. Systematic. I do it best when I do it systematically.